At the end of my studies at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd I built a ‘Ulmer Hocker’ with some friends – a classic stool, which was designed at the HfG Ulm.
2020, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
One family of operating elements – three functionalities.
2017, threedimensional design

Research about the human spine for an ergonomic project.
2017, Schwäbisch Gmünd

Learning more about microalgae at the Fraunhofer institute in Stuttgart.
2019, project Fascination Microalgae

2019, Bjaerred (SE), 9°C
Wanna go for a swim?

2017, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd

My first try in ceramics.
2018, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd

2020, Hamburg Altona

Starting our own cultivation with the microalgae ‘Chlorella Vulgaris’.
2019, project Fascination Microalgae

Supporting the team of ‘design for human nature’ at a workshop with the real estate company FRANK to develop a new working environment. Have a look into the whole project.
2018, Hamburg

Prototype of a body that protects the natural S-curve of the back in everyday life.
2017, ergonomic project